June 23, 2020 / Asset Maintenance / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
One of the most effective methods of analyzing operational breakdowns is to conduct a Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Some of the data needed in order to drive the analysis includes all of the unplanned failure work orders, which …Read More
June 15, 2020 / Asset Maintenance / Manufacturing / Mining / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
As a typical rule of thumb in maintenance, planned work will consume roughly one third of the resources (labor cost, materials cost, and costs associated with equipment down-time) as unplanned work will consume. Therefore, the …Read More
June 8, 2020 / Automotive / Forestry Products / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Companies are discovering in a post COVID-19 world that processes that seemed to be working could actually have used some fine-tuning.Read More
June 3, 2020 / Food & Beverage / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
The food and beverage industry is ramping up efforts to adjust and adapt so shelves, pantries, refrigerators, and freezers are as fully stocked as possible.Read More
May 19, 2020 / Consulting / Knowledge Transfer / Process Improvement
Being aware of safety principles does not materially improve one’s safety, but being in the right state of mind does. In other words, talking about safety, thinking about safety, having cards that remind us of safety are not …Read More
May 11, 2020 / Food & Beverage / Process Improvement
The food and beverage industry is vast, with both online and offline supply chains. This industry includes companies that work in processing raw food materials, those involved in packaging and distributing prepared foods, …Read More
May 4, 2020 / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Businesses that remain resilient in the economic downturn all have one thing in common: They had a plan.Read More
April 21, 2020 / Lean Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
The suddenness of the pandemic has many business leaders in reflection mode: Do I have the systems in place to continue business operations now and in the future?Read More
April 13, 2020 / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
The story of the manufacturing industry has been one of progress. Few manufacturers continue to produce the same products as they did in their infancy years. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers must continue to evolve …Read More
April 1, 2020 / Lean Manufacturing / Material Utilization / Process Improvement / Spend Management / Supply Chain
Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning (SIOP) is a dynamic process in which the company’s operating plan is updated on a regular monthly or more frequent basis. The plans take into account projections made by the sales and …Read More