Tag Archives: Supply Chain


Spend analysis is essential, yet complex and most organizations are unaware that spend analysis can be simplified and accelerated by implementing a structured system like the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC). 

In today’s competitive landscape, accurate and insightful spend analysis is critical for organizations to manage procurement efficiently, identify savings opportunities, and drive strategic purchasing decisions. However, many companies struggle with inconsistent data classification, making it challenging to gain meaningful insights. This is where UNSPSC classification can make a significant difference.

Understanding UNSPSC

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a globally recognized system designed to classify goods and services. Its hierarchical structure includes segments, families, classes, and commodities, allowing for a granular approach to categorizing products and services across regions, suppliers, and industries. 

By applying UNSPSC codes to procurement data, companies can standardize and streamline their spend analysis, enabling more efficient procurement processes and better decision-making.

The Impact of UNSPSC on Spend Analysis

Standardization of Data

One of the most significant challenges in spend analysis is dealing with inconsistent data across departments, suppliers, or geographic locations. Without a standardized classification system, companies often struggle to compare or consolidate spend data meaningfully. UNSPSC addresses this by providing a consistent framework that ensures all products and services are classified uniformly. Whether your business operates in multiple countries or deals with various suppliers, UNSPSC enables a cohesive and structured view of your procurement activities.

Improved Visibility into Spend Categories

The granularity provided by UNSPSC allows businesses to break down their spending into specific categories, such as office supplies, IT equipment, or professional services. This level of detail helps organizations pinpoint their most significant spending areas and uncover opportunities to optimize procurement. For example, a company can monitor category-specific trends, enabling them to identify potential savings in areas like facility maintenance or software subscriptions.

Difficulties in Spend Analysis Without UNSPSC

Without a robust classification system like UNSPSC, companies often face a range of challenges in their spend analysis efforts. First, manual classification of data is time-consuming and prone to error, making it difficult to achieve consistent categorization across departments. Moreover, inconsistencies in spend data make it harder to track, monitor, and report on procurement activities, leading to a lack of visibility into spending patterns and hindering efforts to benchmark suppliers effectively.

When spend data isn’t accurately categorized, organizations may miss opportunities for cost savings, such as consolidated purchases or volume discounts. Additionally, they may struggle with regulatory compliance, as inconsistent classification complicates audit processes and increases the likelihood of reporting errors.

Enhancing Spend Analysis with UNSPSC

To fully unlock the potential of spend analysis, companies can implement UNSPSC in several ways:

  1. Standardized Spend Categories
    Implementing UNSPSC in spend analytics ensures that all procurement data is classified using the same system. This improves visibility across different departments and regions by creating a uniform view of spend data, making comparisons and consolidations easier. For example, a global company can standardize procurement data from various offices, enabling centralized analysis that supports strategic purchasing decisions.
  2. Improved Spend Visibility
    With UNSPSC, companies can break down spending into highly detailed categories. This granular visibility allows procurement teams to monitor specific spend areas, such as IT services or logistics, and identify opportunities for cost reductions. By isolating spend patterns, companies can reduce redundant purchases and optimize their procurement strategies.
  3. Supplier Benchmarking
    UNSPSC provides a consistent way to categorize suppliers, allowing organizations to benchmark costs for similar goods or services from different vendors. This enables companies to compare suppliers more effectively, helping them identify opportunities for cost savings or improved performance within specific categories.
  4. Spend Control and Compliance
    By categorizing spend data with UNSPSC, companies can more easily identify areas where spending exceeds budget thresholds. This system helps organizations gain better control over their procurement activities, enabling more targeted cost reduction efforts. Moreover, using standardized classifications simplifies compliance with industry-specific regulations, improving audit readiness and ensuring that procurement activities meet necessary reporting requirements.
  5. Automated Spend Classification
    When combined with AI-driven analytics platforms, UNSPSC can enable automated spend classification, reducing the need for manual efforts. AI algorithms can map purchases to the correct UNSPSC codes, ensuring real-time categorization of new transactions. This automation allows procurement teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in manual data management tasks.
  6. Enhanced Predictive Analytics
    By using UNSPSC to organize historical spend data, companies can apply predictive analytics to anticipate future procurement needs. For example, trends in past spending across categories like consulting or software licenses can inform contract negotiations or help manage inventory levels more effectively, providing a proactive approach to procurement.

How AICA Can Help Optimize UNSPSC Classification and Spend Analysis

We recognize that implementing and maintaining UNSPSC classification can be a daunting task for many organizations. That’s why AICA’s advanced AI-driven solutions are designed to support businesses in classifying their data according to the latest version of UNSPSC. 

Here’s what makes AICA’s classification service unique:

  1. Speed and Accuracy
    AICA’s AI solutions are up to 90% faster than traditional manual methods, allowing you to implement UNSPSC classifications quickly and efficiently. Our specialized algorithms ensure a classification accuracy of over 80%, far surpassing what can be achieved through manual data entry or general AI models.
  2. Cost-Effective Data Maintenance
    Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date classification system is crucial for long-term spend analysis success. AICA’s solutions automate much of the classification and data enrichment process, reducing operational costs and freeing up procurement teams to focus on higher-value tasks.
  3. Customized Solutions
    Every company’s procurement system is unique, and AICA provides customizable services to ensure that your UNSPSC implementation aligns with your specific needs. Whether you require one-time data classification or ongoing support, AICA can help you streamline your procurement activities and maximize the value of your spend analysis.


UNSPSC classification is more than just a tool for organizing procurement data; it’s a strategic approach to enhancing spend analytics. By implementing this system, companies can gain better visibility into their spending, improve supplier benchmarking, and control costs more effectively. AICA’s advanced AI-driven solutions can help you leverage UNSPSC classification to its full potential, ensuring that your spend data is clean, consistent, and actionable.

*This article is written by USC Consulting Group’s strategic partner in data cleansing and management, AICA. For more information how AICA can cleanse and enrich your product and services data with AI, visit their website.

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Factors ranging from the weather to celebrities’ social media posts can spur the public’s demand for particular products. Those spikes can cause supply chain constraints company leaders aim to avoid. It is better when corporate teams can predict what people will want and get those products far enough in advance to cater to everyone wishing to buy them. To achieve this, businesses are using AI to strengthen their supply chains. Here’s how…

Managing Demand While Selling Diverse Product Assortments

Demand planning is especially complicated when retailers sell huge varieties of goods within a large category. Such was the case with one of Canada’s largest electronics retailers. People go there to purchase everything from phone chargers to televisions.

However, the demand for those two examples is very different. Many consumers buy several phone chargers per year, such as if they want one for each main room in a home or have forgotten to pack the item before going on a trip. However, most TVs last several years, and people only buy them once the ones they have break or otherwise no longer meet their needs. Plus, many shoppers are more likely to buy those big-ticket items during the holiday season than at other times.

The Canadian retailer uses AI and machine learning technologies to get data-driven demand insights that shape inventory and supply-chain-related decisions. Its leaders have already noticed several benefits. For example, demand planning has become more automated, and those involved can receive detailed reports highlighting potential business risks and impacts.

Additionally, supply chain employees can address slow-moving inventory, plan more enticing promotional offers and reduce stockouts. Another aspect of the AI solution evaluates various supply chain scenarios and gives prescriptive recommendations to prevent unwanted consequences. These examples show how AI can support workers in their roles and increase productivity.

A common misconception about AI is that it will replace human staff. One study found job loss from automation and other advanced technologies was a worry for 42% of respondents. However, besides assisting them with the tasks they already know, artificial intelligence can expand their skills, encouraging them to use new platforms and tools that make demand planning easier.

Streamlining Demand Planning Processes for Better Productivity

Demand planning processes vary depending on what the brand sells, the size of its supplier network, its budget and more. However, no matter how organizations handle them currently, AI can pinpoint opportunities to streamline the work for better overall outcomes.

One example comes from a multinational consumer goods enterprise offering diapers, detergent, personal grooming products and other household staples. Leaders hoped to improve current demand planning by bringing artificial intelligence into the workflow. Initial data inputs for the project included bill-of-materials information for 5,000 products and 22,000 components. Additionally, users imported various types of supporting supply chain details into the system, including specifics about vendors, warehouses and manufacturing plants.

The technology then compiles all that information to give real-time or trend-based insights. Besides providing live inventory data, the AI product can generate supply projection reports that indicate future needs while highlighting possible supply chain disruptions. Knowing about potential issues sooner gives employees the information to act confidently and prevent or mitigate those problems.

The tool was also a significant productivity booster for the consumer goods firm. For example, supply chain queries used to take more than two hours to complete but now occur immediately. Additionally, although it formerly needed more than 10 people to verify the data, the technology can do that without human oversight. Such improvements substantiate studies showing AI can make people 20%-45% more productive depending on various factors.

Running Supply Chain Simulations Before Key Events

Even though some periods of increased demand are impossible to predict, most supply chain managers can anticipate others with near certainty. For example, Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year in the United States. Additionally, late summer drives sales of bedding sets, reasonably priced furniture and school supplies as students prepare for college.

Demand planning is essential for giving supply chain professionals the necessary information to source and move the products customers will want most during those hectic periods. Since artificial intelligence can process large quantities of information quickly, users could feed details such as social media mentions, customer service email or chat data, and sales figures into tools to determine which factors make some products more or less desirable.

The leaders of one multinational American retailer used AI to determine what customers would want before Black Friday arrived. The goal was to learn those details before shoppers even consciously expressed a desire to buy specific items. While using the artificial intelligence platform, retail staff entered data about shopping and customer trends, seasonal factors and more. The resulting output steered supply chain decisions and helped address issues that might ordinarily cause Black Friday disruptions.

The retailer has also added AI to its daily supply chain workflows, relying on the technology to anticipate demand cycles and unexpected traffic peaks. Some businesses use complementing technologies such as digital twins to get similar results. These tools enable people to predict bottlenecks and investigate potential actions before pursuing them in real life.

Making Demand Planning More Manageable

Demand planning is tricky and requires a thoughtful approach from people who combine their expertise with trustworthy data. However, these examples show how purposeful AI applications can assist with this all-important aspect of supply chain operations, increasing the likelihood of satisfied customers and profit.

*This article is written by Jack Shaw. Jack is a seasoned automotive industry writer with over six years of experience. As the senior writer for Modded, he combines his passion for vehicles, manufacturing and technology with his expertise to deliver engaging content that resonates with enthusiasts worldwide.

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Efficient warehouse management is crucial for the success of any business. However, numerous challenges can hinder operations and impact overall profitability. Understanding these obstacles and implementing effective solutions is essential for optimizing warehouse performance.

Common Warehousing Challenges

Ineffective warehouse management practices, such as inadequate order and inventory management, can lead to significant inefficiencies and losses. Inaccurate data, inconsistent tracking, and insufficient space further exacerbate these issues. Additionally, erratic changes in demand and economic fluctuations can disrupt operations and make it difficult to maintain optimal inventory levels. Packaging wastefulness and design shortcomings can also contribute to increased costs and environmental concerns.

Optimizing Inventory Management

To address inventory management challenges, businesses should invest in advanced technologies and streamline processes. Implementing cloud-based inventory management platforms with demand forecasting tools and automated reordering systems can help optimize stock levels and reduce carrying costs. Utilizing mobile productivity tools allows for real-time inventory tracking and control, improving efficiency and accuracy.

Enhancing Warehouse Layout and Space Utilization

Maximizing warehouse space utilization is crucial for optimizing operations and reducing costs. Implementing a well-designed warehouse layout, incorporating storage solutions that maximize vertical space, and utilizing advanced warehouse management systems can help streamline workflows and improve productivity.

Leveraging Technology and Data

Technology plays a vital role in modern warehousing. Implementing barcode technology and system-directed pick/put-away procedures can significantly improve order fulfillment accuracy and speed. Digitizing documentation and utilizing data analytics can provide valuable insights into inventory levels, customer demand, and operational performance.

Addressing Packaging and Sustainability

Packaging waste and design shortcomings can impact both costs and environmental sustainability. Collaborating with pharma packaging machine manufacturers to optimize packaging design can help reduce waste and improve efficiency. Additionally, implementing recycling programs and using sustainable packaging materials can contribute to environmental responsibility.

Overcoming warehousing challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, technological advancements, and efficient processes. By addressing issues such as inventory management, space utilization, and packaging optimization, businesses can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. The resource below provides a visual overview of common warehousing challenges and potential solutions.

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At USC Consulting Group, we’ve been empowering performance for more than 50 years. What does that mean?

It means we’re an operations management and process improvement firm that empowers your people and processes to achieve operational excellence.

The below graphic lays out our experience and the areas we specialize in:

USC Empowering Performance Infographic

Let’s look in more detail at how USC partners with you to accelerate and augment your process improvement efforts.

What we focus on

Operational excellence. We help clients define and implement a strategic approach to achieving and maintaining the highest levels of operational performance. It’s about eliminating waste, improving quality and ramping up productivity.

Process improvements. We look at your processes through the lens of efficiency and effectiveness. We identify bottlenecks that might be slowing down your workflow, assessing the “we’ve always done it this way” processes that every business has. We find that a fresh set of eyes on these types of long-held processes can yield more effective ways to achieve results.

Optimal efficiency. This is about the “well-oiled machine” factor. Everyone knows what that is, although it’s different for every company. It’s when you’re cooking and booking, churning and burning, and achieving the maximum throughput for your efforts.

Supply chain optimization. In the post-Covid era, we’re still seeing supply chain disruption and the headaches they cause. We help companies analyze their supply chain networks and spot inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Is there a supplier closer to home? Is it time to reshore? Can we improve procurement or logistics?

Change management. Many of the process changes we recommend involve new ways of doing things – perhaps significant changes. With training and development, strong communication and getting feedback and input from stakeholders, we can help companies embrace change for the better.

Asset Performance Management. At USC, we focus on getting the most out of the assets you already have. Heavy investments in new technology is not always necessary, especially if your old workhorses just need some care and feeding. Applying predictive maintenance to reduce unplanned downtime, usage that doesn’t cause more wear and tear than necessary, and processes to extend the lifecycle of the tools you rely on.

EBITDA improvement. This refers to a company’s Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. Sounds like your worst day in the accountant’s office, right? But it’s really about helping clients look for cost-savings opportunities, revenue enhancement, and more. It’s also about everything else we do – productivity improvement, asset management, operational efficiency, cost reduction and more.

How we do it

How do we enhance our clients’ operations? We’re experts in process improvement methodologies and tools, like:

Lean Six Sigma. LSS is a combination of two powerful methodologies, Lean, which focuses on limiting waste in a process, and Six Sigma, which focuses on increasing quality.

Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning (SIOP). In a nutshell, SIOP aligns sales, inventory and operations planning functions to improve demand forecasting, efficiency, supply chain performance and more.

Employee Involvement Prototype Process. One of the cornerstone techniques USC uses to validate and measurably implement changes to elements of the MOS with full client personnel engagement. Your employees are the most vital components to every project, especially the workers in the trenches on the shop floor or production site. We involve them every step of the way.

System Reviews. We do a comprehensive analysis of your systems, processes, procedures and more. System Reviews tell the story of a company’s process and depicts the future state MOS with the deficiencies from current state corrected. It shows the flow of data, actionable information and decision-making points in a closed loop environment.

LINCS advanced reporting tools. The Lean Information Control System (LINCS) is a state-of-the-art software application that facilitate fact-based decision making from the shop floor to the boardroom. It includes modules for advanced planning, manufacturing and logistics, value stream mapping, scheduling, inventory analysis and more. Operators are able to see and evaluate their work as it takes place, while executives and managers are better equipped to prioritize activities based on accurate, actionable information.

AI, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analytics. Much like Netflix’s use of predictive analytics created a seismic shift in consumer expectations, this new technology is transforming operating procedures and processes. Predictive analytics helps companies better understand what’s occurring in any given process, refine and optimize processes, and more. But, it also needs the human touch. People aren’t getting replaced by the bots in this area any time soon. To learn more, download our free eBook: AI and Machine Learning: Predicting the Future.

Our 55-plus years of experience covers a wide variety of industries, including:

We have a defining principle to our approach that guides every project. We do not swoop in and tell companies how to do it better.

We are partners in the process. We work with your team to implement the changes at the point of execution.

We listen to what makes your company tick, observe your current operations, get a handle on the issues, involve your frontline employees in the process, and implement a plan for change.

We play the long game, delivering results our clients can maintain for years to come. We don’t have our 98% customer satisfaction rating for nothing.

That’s how USC Consulting Group empowers YOUR performance.

Contact USC Consulting Group

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In Gartner’s latest report “Top GenAI Use Cases That Work Best for Supply Chain Logistics,” Carly West and Jose Reyes highlight the transformative impact of generative AI (GenAI) on supply chain logistics.

The key findings from their research indicate a widespread exploration of GenAI, with nearly 100% of supply chains investigating its potential to improve operations.

Additionally, organizations are dedicating an average of 6% of their 2024 budgets to GenAI technologies, underscoring the significant investment in these advancements.

Furthermore, 65% of organizations are creating new roles specifically for generative AI expertise, reflecting the need for specialized knowledge to leverage these technologies effectively.

Generative AI and Key Use Cases

Generative AI, supported by foundation models trained on vast datasets, offers numerous applications within logistics. One prominent application is content creation, which includes drafting KPI scorecards, creating standard operating procedures (SOPs), and generating essential documents such as shipping forms and RFP templates. Another key use case is information discovery, where AI aids in KPI analysis, supplier performance diagnostics, and managing shipment inquiries, thereby streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making support.

Generative AI excels in summarization tasks, efficiently summarizing meeting notes, reports, and customs documents, which helps in managing large volumes of information. In transportation and warehousing, AI-driven solutions facilitate predictive maintenance, enable autonomous systems for robotic picking and document processing, and provide real-time customer assistance, contributing to more efficient and reliable operations.

Implementation Considerations and Challenges

For successful AI implementation, it is crucial to assess the feasibility and business value by evaluating talent availability, technology readiness, and data quality. Effective data governance is also essential, as organizations with well-managed data report more impactful business outcomes. However, data-related barriers such as accessibility, quality, and complexity remain significant challenges that must be addressed. Furthermore, by 2027, 50% of large organizations are expected to reevaluate their data governance to handle complex, data-driven use cases effectively.

AICA’s Role in Addressing Opportunities and Challenges

AICA specializes in product and service data cleansing, enrichment, creation, and comparison, leveraging advanced AI and ML algorithms to detect and rectify errors in datasets.

Enhancing Data Quality and Consistency

AICA’s data cleansing and enrichment services ensure high data quality, crucial for leveraging GenAI in logistics. They address data inconsistencies and quality issues through robust data cleansing processes, including deduplication and anomaly detection.

Facilitating Data Integration

Modular design supports the seamless integration of diverse data sources, aligning with logistics’ needs for unified data systems. AICA’s data normalization services enable standardized data formats for efficient processing, overcoming integration difficulties.

Strengthening Data Governance

Data governance framework establishes clear standards and accountability, enhancing AI readiness. Their domain-specific algorithms ensure compliance and data integrity, helping organizations navigate data governance challenges.

Supporting Multilingual and Localization Needs

Multilingual translation capabilities support global logistics operations, making data accessible across languages. AICA is able to overcome language barriers and localization issues with precise translation and cultural adaptation of data.

Enabling Advanced Analytics and AI Use Cases

AICA utilize AI-driven insights for advanced logistics analytics, including predictive maintenance and KPI diagnostics. Their comprehensive data management solutions enhance model accuracy and reduce bias, tackling AI implementation barriers.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

AICA leverage AI solutions to automate routine tasks and improve logistics efficiency, aligning with GenAI’s potential. Efficient data processing capabilities address time constraints and resource allocation, allowing teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Why Choose AICA?

AICA’s solutions are up to 90% faster than traditional methods, significantly reducing the time needed for data management tasks. Their AI-driven approach reduces the need for manual labor and minimizes errors, cutting down on operational costs.

AICA’s specialized Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve over 80% accuracy, far exceeding the 30% accuracy of general AI models. Their algorithms are specifically trained on MRO product data, ensuring highly relevant and precise data handling.

Furthermore, AICA’s services are highly customizable, allowing you to select specific solutions that address your unique data challenges.

In conclusion

AICA’s advanced AI and ML solutions are well-positioned to help organizations navigate the complexities of integrating generative AI into supply chain logistics. By addressing data quality, integration, governance, and operational efficiency, AICA ensures that organizations can fully leverage the transformative potential of AI in their logistics operations.

We would like to thank and reference Gartner for the information referenced in this article.

*This article is written by USC Consulting Group’s strategic partner in data cleansing and management, AICA. For more information how AICA can cleanse and enrich your product and services data with AI, visit their website.

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Global supply chains are intricate networks that span multiple countries and continents, involving a multitude of processes, from procurement to distribution. The complexity is further compounded by varying local standards and regulations, making standardization a critical need.

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) provides a universal classification framework that is essential for streamlining these complex processes and facilitating seamless international operations.

Benefits of UNSPSC

UNSPSC serves as a global language for businesses, ensuring that products and services are categorized consistently regardless of where they are produced or consumed. This standardization is vital for global trade, as it simplifies communications between suppliers and buyers, enhances spend analysis and reporting capabilities, and improves procurement efficiency.

By adopting UNSPSC, companies can ensure more accurate demand forecasting and inventory management, which are crucial for maintaining the flow of goods and services across global markets.

AICA’s Automated Approach to UNSPSC

Data management and cleansing specialist AICA offers a SaaS platform that leverages advanced AI and ML technologies to automate the UNSPSC classification process. This automation is driven by AI models trained on extensive datasets, significantly increasing accuracy and reducing errors commonly seen in less sophisticated systems.

The process of manually classifying products into UNSPSC codes is a task that traditionally requires substantial time investment. For instance, cataloguing a single product into the UNSPSC framework manually takes approximately 10 minutes. Classifying 10,000 products would, therefore, require about 69 days. Thus, manually classifying products consumes a significant amount of time, representing a substantial opportunity cost.

However, AICA’s platform automates this process and assigns the classified items with an accuracy score. Items that receive a quality score lower than 93% are flagged for review by our subject matter experts.

Here’s a breakdown of the time savings:

Thus, by using AICA’s system, a task that would normally take over 69 days of continuous work can be reduced significantly to only a few.

This methodology not only speeds up the classification process but also ensures a high level of accuracy and reliability, allowing businesses to deploy resources more effectively and enhance overall productivity in the supply chain.

Universal Relevance

The relevance of UNSPSC and AICA’s technological solutions extends across various critical sectors, including Manufacturing, Mining, and Aerospace and Defense. These industries face unique challenges such as managing complex assemblies, complying with strict regulatory standards, and handling high-value inventories.

UNSPSC codes help standardize component classifications, making it easier to track and manage parts across global supply chains. For these sectors, the ability to accurately classify and analyze product data can lead to more strategic sourcing and better risk management.


For global enterprises aiming to improve their supply chain operations, adopting AICA’s UNSPSC-classifying technologies offers a transformative opportunity. By integrating our solutions, companies can benefit from enhanced data accuracy, improved operational efficiency, and a competitive edge in the global market.

*This article is written by USCCG’s strategic partner, AICA Data. AICA is a data cleansing and management specialist that optimizes your product and services data with AI to provide faster, more accurate, and cost-effective solutions. To find out more about AICA’s services – visit their website here.

Looking to optimize your supply chain

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It’s no secret that manufacturing and supply chain organizations are constantly in pursuit of a greater degree of efficiency. This is the key to remaining competitive in both increasingly contentious markets.

It’s also no secret that attaining a higher degree of efficiency is harder than it looks. Supply chain organizations have faced disruption from multiple angles, with decentralized distribution, competitors with a higher level of digitalization, and the deglobalization of trade causing them to fall behind. Similarly, manufacturers are attempting to ride out the silver tsunami and the resulting gap in team member experience while doing so.

Automation is already impacting both industries for the better, providing accurate analytics, monitoring and limiting resource expenditure, and removing manual tasks from employee dockets. But newer technological innovations promise to be a massive boon for both industries, optimizing operations, further streamlining decision-making, and enhancing productivity. Digital twins technology offers insights that revolutionize traditional manufacturing and supply chain management – and we’re about to break down exactly how.

What is Digital Twins Technology?

A common misconception that surrounds the topic of digital twins technology is that it’s just another form of 3D modeling – a sensor, a software platform, or a particularly creative application of artificial intelligence (AI).  Digital twins are, in fact, none of these things.

Digital twins are an amalgamation of technologies that work in tandem to record, model, and simulate projects in real time. The technologies involved in this process will range according to organizations’ capabilities and needs but often include sensors, augmented reality tools, modeling software, and AI. Far from a simple model, digital twins technology tests, records, and reports key data points to leadership, unlocking agile decision-making on an unprecedented level.

Let’s quickly break down some of the use cases for digital twins in supply chain and manufacturing organizations:

Manufacturers in particular will see a massive value-add from digital twins technology, as it can be used to:

While it’s not the most buzzed about technological innovation on the market, digital twins are certainly one of the more useful types of technology for manufacturers and supply chain organizations.

Digital Twins, Your Network, and Expanding Your Infrastructure

Digital twinning also has implications for your network, especially if you’ve already made the switch from copper to fiber. Employing digital twins technology necessitates a high capacity for data transference, as a large quantity of data will be consistently transferred to your single source of truth. While switching from copper to fiber can somewhat fill that need, depending on your network’s capacity and the quality of the components within, you may find that your current network doesn’t adequately support your data-transmitting needs.

Taking the step to convert to a dark fiber network is one possible solution, as dark fiber networks grant a robust, scalable network infrastructure that is entirely customizable according to need. Organizations that need to expand their bandwidth while also maintaining network security and consistent uptime may consider switching to dark fiber, as it is a high-capacity, consumer-controlled network that can effectively replace inferior infrastructure overnight.

Another option is actually using digital twins technology to replicate and reinforce your network. Creating a network digital twin allows you to connect tasks with network performance, granting you control over all facets of your network’s lifecycle. Similarly to how digital twinning allows you to identify bottlenecks and potential impediments to swift service throughout your operations, network digital twinning replicates those benefits for your network.

Either option will allow you to boost your network’s performance while also granting you a greater degree of visibility into and control over said network. This is key when using a technology like digital twins, which can consume quite a bit of bandwidth, as it allows you to reap the benefits of this technology without any unintended consequences.

Digital twins technology can empower manufacturers and supply chain organizations to drive efficiency, regaining a competitive edge in markets overrun with disruptions. With the right solution and the infrastructure to support it, you’ll find efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profits spike.

*This article is written by Ainsley Lawrence. View more of Ainsley’s articles here.

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There are a lot of terms used by organizations to describe their mid to long range strategic planning discipline.  Whether your organization calls it Integrated Business Planning (IBP), Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning (SIOP) or something else, the key message is that abbreviations are not important – results are. Strong strategic planning discipline orchestrates sales plans, operations constraints, and financial objectives while giving guidance to short-term scheduling for execution. At USC, we call this discipline SIOP due to the strategic importance of inventory to smooth supply and demand fluctuations to maintain customer service levels.

Survey Says!

Businesses find S&OP beneficial because it helps balance supply and demand, it improves communication between sales and other departments, leads to better decision-making with everyone on the same page, and it ultimately results in better efficiency. Most organizations refer to their planning process as S&OP, but we think it’s incomplete. Inventory needs to be part of this process to unlock greater levels of operational efficiency and customer service rates.

Planning Process Name Chart

Most companies have less than five years of experience utilizing a SIOP discipline and significantly, fewer than 50% of all companies integrate financial objectives into their monthly planning process. The result is the organization’s annual plans are disconnected from the monthly “replanning” SIOP process. Managers are typically held accountable to their annual plans which are increasingly out of date as the year progresses and better plans are known resulting in sub-optimal decision making based on old assumptions.

Annual Operating Plan Chart

Furthermore, since most companies rely on static models such as Excel and Access to as their primary analytical tools, the planning process can be labor intensive, time consuming and more prone to human error. Integrating decision support systems with operations data, procurement data, inventory data, and customer demand improves simulation and scenario analysis capabilities. Integrating with advanced predictive analytics can further augment planning knowledge.

Primary Data Analytics Chart

Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning

We tell our clients that SIOP is making sure you’re having the right conversations about the right things at the right time.

SOP vs SIOP Chart

Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning is a holistic process that integrates customer-focused demand plans with production, sourcing and inventory plans and results in improved tactical and long-term business decision making capability.

Keys to Implementing a Successful SIOP Process

But Why the Added Focus on Inventory?

Inventory tells a story about a business’ operational efficiency. Inventory accounts pool the collective decisions and market forces affecting the company, telling stories of sales forecasting accuracy, manufacturing efficiency, planning effectiveness, supply chain disruptions, and quality control. Lean inventories reveal robust planning systems and culture, integrated ERP systems, and good governance. Excess inventories can be a short-term benefit to sustain high customer service levels during times of uncertainty, however they come with high obsolescence and carrying costs.  Inventory is a strategic lever to smooth operations, procurement, and sales fluctuations. The right level of inventory is different for each company, and changes based on current consumer demand, supply chain disruptions, and strategic decisions.

Benefits of SIOP

Interested to learn more about how adding inventory to your planning can make you more efficient? For more information on how SIOP can help your business read our eBook, “Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning: It’s About Time.”

David Newman

David Newman

*This article is written by USC Consulting Group’s Supply Chain Practice Leader, David Newman.

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Effective risk management, strategic planning, and operational excellence are crucial for minimizing NPV losses and maximizing project value.

Recent studies and industry reports suggest that a significant portion of mining projects may face challenges that impact net present value (NPV) negatively. Estimates range from 20% to 60% or more, highlighting the inherent risks and complexities involved in the mining industry. These challenges may include cost overruns, schedule delays, geological uncertainties, regulatory changes, and market fluctuations, among others.

In fact, in other reports, McKinsey says as many as 4 out of 5 mining projects come in late and over budget by an average of 43%. EY found that 64% ran over budget or schedule with the average cost overrun sitting at 39%, after studying 192 global mining and metals projects worth more than $1 billion.

How can mining projects improve project execution when it comes to budgets and timelines? Mining companies must grapple with many pain points – cost overruns, schedule delays, operational risks, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical uncertainty.

One of the most critical areas involves owner-contractor relationships and creating a “culture by design” right from the beginning. Many owners outsource their projects to EPCMs that have historically operated in mining and are typically very engineering focused on getting the design as accurate as possible to maximize outcomes and benefits. While important, it only represents 35% or 40% of the total cost of a typical project and that’s not where we tend to see issues. The other 60%-65% of the scope is construction.

Organizational culture can significantly impact projects in several ways:

  1. Risk Management: prioritizing safety, compliance, and responsible resource management can lead to better risk identification and mitigation strategies, reducing the likelihood of costly incidents and delays.
  2. Employee Engagement: creating a positive and supportive culture to foster employee engagement, morale, and retention, leading to higher productivity, better teamwork, and lower turnover rates, which are critical for project success.
  3. Decision-Making Processes: promoting transparency, collaboration, and innovation can lead to more efficient decision-making processes, enabling quicker responses to project challenges and opportunities – maintaining “single source of the truth”.
  4. Adaptability: encouraging flexibility, learning, and continuous improvement enables organizations to navigate changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and technological advancements more effectively.
  5. Stakeholder Relations: valuing relationships with stakeholders, including local communities, governments, and investors, can enhance trust, collaboration, and support for mining projects, reducing the risk of opposition or regulatory challenges.

In summary, positive mining capital project performance, characterized by effective organizational culture, cost management, revenue generation, risk mitigation, and optimal capital expenditure allocation, can enhance NPV by increasing cash flows and reducing project risk.

USC partners with your organization and coaches your people to significantly impact performance outcomes and get your capital projects over the line on-time and within budget.

USC works with Owner Teams to execute capital projects and prepare for operational readiness during the early stages of the capital project development process, typically prior to the start of the construction phase. Operational readiness activities should be integrated into project planning and execution to ensure early adoption of the desired project culture while building buy-in from the various project stakeholders. There are three key elements to successful projects and capturing NPV.

Culture: Corporate culture is the shared values, attitudes, and practices that define the owner’s project, operation and interactions with its employees and various stakeholders. Culture clashes often occur when people from different backgrounds are assembled.

In capital projects, this often occurs when stakeholders are not aligned around a common set of goals and priorities, potentially resulting in the creation of an unsafe environment and/or low productivity and poor-quality execution. The imperative in this situation is to align stakeholders and define a “culture by design” at the top and instill the culture from the bottom up – deliberately starting at the work activity level.

USC works with successful owner teams to begin this journey from the outset of the project, and usually with a high sense of urgency.

Governance: While most recognize the need for establishing a robust governance framework, with a measurable set of metrics, many fail to execute. Typically, governance frameworks include everything from policies, regulations, functions, processes, procedures, and responsibilities, as well as how project progress and execution performance are tracked and reported.

It is not uncommon for EPCs and sub-contractors to use their own processes and systems to track performance – leading to various versions of the truth on the project. Inconsistent and inaccurate information results in inaccurate project execution planning, ineffective execution, and inaccurate status reporting which in turn results in schedule slippage and costly overruns.

USC works with project stakeholders to ensure governance goes beyond the decision-making of a single project, by developing a “Truth Center” where priorities are set, planning is done, performance is integrated, measured and communicated. By creating a single source of the truth and defining detailed work activities, including who is responsible for what and when, stakeholders can avoid the typical project execution pitfalls. By providing consistency, certainty and coordination, owner teams add to the stability of the project.

Readiness: How many projects are delayed due to poorly defined feasibility studies, engineering delays, late recruitment of key personnel and/or procurement delays? These early delays are difficult to overcome during the project and have a severe impact on NPV.

Many organizations are unclear when to start working on operational readiness – long ramp up times and slow operational start-ups are NPV killers, even for well executed capital projects. Key operations personnel should join the project early in the engineering phase to ensure the operability and maintainability of engineering designs. Additionally, they should play a role in defining and designing the culture for the project. Initiating the design of the operational processes and defining operational system requirements no later than the beginning of the construction phase and completed before starting the commissioning phase.

USC brings 55+ years of experience in shaping organizations and designing and implementing management operating systems and processes to assist owner teams in mitigating start-up risks and unlocking hidden-value to accelerate ramp-up success.

USC Helps You Tackle Key Challenges

Do you want to understand how prepared your company is to manage project risks while accelerating work execution and operational ramp-up and what the key focus areas that will contribute to improved net present value?

Want to find out more about how USC can help you uncover the hidden-value lurking in your capital project?

For more information, let’s talk it through with a no obligation meeting with one of our executive team members. Email info@usccg.com to arrange a call.

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The energy and utilities industry is in the midst of change.

Businesses are facing pressure from the government and consumers alike for more renewable energy while also balancing that with grid reliability and traditional energy sources. Meanwhile, electricity demands are expected to skyrocket. Other wild cards are supply chain disruption, labor shortages and more.

But within those challenges, we always see opportunities. Let’s take a closer look into the outlook for energy.

Continued focus on renewables. The demand for clean energy will continue to rise. Governmental regulations are mandating the focus on clean energy and decarbonization, including enacting green-friendly legislation and incentives for companies to transition to cleaner sources like solar and wind. The industry made great strides in solar power and the energy storage it necessitates in 2023, but more is needed and the focus will continue in 2024 and beyond. Consumers are demanding it as well, with climate change among people’s top concerns. All of it has led many companies to push the timeline to cut carbon emissions by 80% from 2050 up to 2030.

Energy storage. The push for solar requires an enormous amount of battery storage capacity to, in very simple terms, store all of that energy for times when the sun’s not shining. It means innovation in battery technology, and 2023 saw much of that, with storage capability doubling in 2023 and set to nearly double again in 2024.

Electricity surge. According to industry sources, the demand for electricity is expected to triple by 2050. It means planning now for this increased load on what is likely aging infrastructure, resulting in costs to shore up that infrastructure to ensure grid reliability. It’s also necessary to consider expanding the grid to meet that demand.

Aging grids + extreme climate.  We all saw the worst-case scenario play out in Texas when their grid failed when the state experienced a rare deep freeze. But weather extremes are becoming the norm, with heat, wildfires and drought on the one hand, floods and record snowfall on the other. The industry is modernizing the grid, and made progress in that area in 2023, but reliability is still a large concern.

Supply chain uncertainty. The recent geopolitical unrest in Ukraine and the Middle East has underscored the need to reshore this nation’s oil supply.

Labor shortages. Like many industries today, energy is battling a labor shortage and facing the double whammy of their most experienced workers retiring and taking institutional knowledge with them, and having too few younger people in the pipeline to pick up where they left off.

It’s a full plate for the energy sector in the coming years, that’s clear. But within these challenges, we see opportunities to bolster processes, making operations more efficient and guard against supply chain snafus. Reducing operating costs, improving productivity and increasing efficiency will help the industry navigate these challenging times.

This is where USC can help

Management Operating Systems. A solid Management Operating System is a must for efficiency, time savings, employee productivity and so much more. For a real-world example on how USC helped an energy producer save time and money by implementing an MOS, read “Energy Producer Generates Savings with Smarter Labor Practices.”

Reskilling employees. All of this innovation and growth in renewables, not to mention AI entering the mix, requires more workers with new skills. This can be very good news for your current employees, who can move up the food chain with new training, and the ability to attract highly qualified workers.

Resource planning. If you know anything about our company, you know we are great proponents of SIOP – Supply, Inventory and Operations Planning. It gives companies a roadmap to the future, so they’re not reacting to events, they’re anticipating them. With the exponential growth of the energy and utilities sector in the coming years, solid planning for the resources needed for that growth, like increased storage capacity and grid strength, is a must.

Bottom line, delivering reliable, affordable and sustainable energy is the goal for the energy and utility industry. It takes efficient operations, a handle on resources, and a clear eye toward the future. Contact us today to find out more about how USC Consulting Group can help.

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