Tag Archives: Sales Inventory & Operations Planning


Last year, the London-based Collins Dictionary named “permacrisis” as the word of the year. It means an extended period of instability caused by an onslaught of seemingly never-ending crises — wildfires, pandemics, hurricanes, floods, inflation, air quality alerts, the highest heat ever recorded in some regions of the world, economic instability, wars… the list goes on. Sound familiar? You name it, we’ve all lived through it. And it shows no signs of slowing down.

In the immortal words of Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live: It’s always something.

The way we see it here at USC Consulting Group, it IS always something. That’s called life. While the world may be going through an unusually rocky stretch, there is no perfect time to be running your business. Whether it’s external crises like the ones we’ve described, or internal upheavals like layoffs, mergers, unforeseen difficulties or the myriad hiccups that can occur, things are going to happen. When they do, companies can thrive, not just survive, with a mix of focusing on process improvements and operational excellence, optimizing your supply chain, and implementing standard operating procedures, along with a dash of the old-fashioned notion that “this too shall pass.”

Here are a few tactics for making sure you’re on solid footing, even during the rockiest of times.

Process improvements

The goal is operational excellence, right? But is that ever truly achievable? Yes, but it can also be a moving target. It means continuous improvements to processes, becoming as efficient as possible. We find that it’s about eliminating bottlenecks, waste and other snags that can impede productivity. Getting the right people in the right jobs and empowering them to get that job done. Developing standards and key process indicators that will tell you when you’re on target and when you aren’t, and using data to “manage by the numbers.”

Optimizing the supply chain: Don’t DRIP!

What’s DRIP? It’s a popular acronym when talking about supply chain. It stands for data rich, information poor. The fragility of the supply chain, no matter the industry you’re in, has become crystal clear in recent years. Optimizing your supply chain needs to be top of mind to make sure you don’t get caught short, and as DRIP suggests, it starts with making sure you’re using data to its fullest. Outdated inventory systems can impede that. Supply, Inventory and Operations Planning (SIOP) is a method we here at USC utilizes that emphasizes inventory as a strategic tool to allow businesses to get a better look at their operations and formulate superior strategy decisions.

SIOP gives you the ability to capture, analyze, integrate and interpret high-quality data, which is the key to staying ahead of the market. The aim is to achieve process automation and glean predictive analytics, which give you a strategic advantage… so you don’t DRIP.

Learn more about SIOP in this free eBook

Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Much is being written in the news lately concerning “institutional knowledge,” and how the loss of it can be devastating to companies. What is it? It’s what’s NOT in your training manual. It’s what the person you think is “irreplaceable” knows. The ins and outs of doing the job that your best people learn through years of experience. When they retire, or leave the company for whatever reason, that knowledge walks out the door with them. That’s why it’s so important to develop standard operating procedures for every job in your company, and write those procedures down on stone tablets if necessary.

Comprehensive training

When you have those SOPs down, that’s just the first step. Training your people in exactly how to do the job, so everyone across all of your facilities is doing it in the same way, is vital.

Sound like a tall order? It can be. That’s where we come in. At USC Consulting Group, we have 55+ years of experience helping companies optimize their efficiency, ramp up their production, solidify those SOPs and operate to the max. If you’re wondering if now is the right time to hire an operations consultant, download our aptly named eBook, “When is the Right Time to Bring in Operations Consultants?” It’s free, and it will give you more information about how we can help your business.

Right Time to Bring in Operations Consultants eBook CTA

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What’s on the road ahead for consumer goods manufacturing? Although the industry is multifaceted and varied, encompassing everything from household goods to food & beverage to apparel and more, most arms of the consumer goods industry are facing similar challenges. Supply chain woes. Geopolitical instability. Economic uncertainty paired with rising costs. Ecommerce disruption. Changing consumer preferences. Labor shortages.

A common thread running through all of those challenges: Stress. According to Deloitte’s “2023 Consumer Products Industry Outlook,” which surveyed executives at CG companies with more than $500 million in revenue, seven of 10 respondents said their job is more stressful now than it was five years ago, due to those ongoing challenges. We believe execs in many industries feel the same.

Here are some trends affecting the consumer goods manufacturing industry today:

Consumer Goods Manufacturing Trends

Challenges remain on the road ahead, but the ride is getting smoother.

Continued supply chain disruptions. No, it’s not over yet. The supply chain bottleneck that most industries faced during the pandemic has improved in some areas but has not gone away. According to a new survey by Coupa Software, 82% of supply chain leaders report bracing for continued supply chain issues in the next year. The industry is looking for ways to take the risk out of its supply chain, namely by reshoring or nearshoring supply to offset the worry about once-reliable sources. One of the wild cards in terms of supply chain is the current geopolitical instability, with the war in Ukraine lingering and tensions heating up with China and Russia.

Economic pressures. A recession is looming. (Or is it? Nobody seems to know.) Prices are rising. Inflation is through the roof. In addition to impacting consumers’ pocketbooks and spending habits, these economic factors are in league with rising costs of raw materials, transportation and labor costs to create a miasma of financial uncertainty. It has caused 80% of respondents in the Deloitte survey to report they’re raising prices further to compensate.

Labor shortages. For the consumer manufacturing industry, the labor shortage doesn’t just mean a lack of warm bodies. It also means a lack of skilled workers. The old guard is retiring, and the new generation taking its place needs the skills to operate today’s complex machinery. It means increased training and outreach from trade schools. The problem is, the numbers of young people going into the manufacturing field are dwindling just when we need them most.

Changing consumer preferences. While human behaviorists will be studying the effects of the pandemic on consumer spending for years to come, we see one thing clearly. Preferences and habits are changing. A heightened awareness of the environment is driving younger consumers toward sustainable products, and companies themselves are being held to those standards. Buyers are turning to the comfort and familiarity of known brands rather than taking risks. They are also more focused on health, having lived through a pandemic.

e-and-m-Commerce surge. This is also about consumer behavior, with a twist. The ecommerce surge that started during the pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down. According to Forbes, in 2023, ecommerce sales are projected to grow to 10.4%,with the global ecommerce market hitting $6.3 trillion. Mobile commerce (people making purchases from their smartphones) is poised to hit $415.93 billion this year. For consumer goods companies this may mean the need for a souped-up e-and-m-Commerce site for direct-to-consumer opportunities.

Proven methods for success

At USC Consulting Group, we specialize in helping companies reduce operating costs and improve efficiency… in this economy, or any economy. In our 55+ years in this business, we’ve rolled with a lot of changing tides and helped our clients do the same. We find that trends, challenges, economies and other factors can affect those tides, but tried-and-true operating methods can right the ship every time.

Two of the most powerful methods we use to help companies become more efficient and profitable are SIOP and LSS.

SIOP. Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning takes the normal sales and operations planning (S&OP) process and adds inventory to be as important of a variable and a strategic tool. Following this methodology helps manufacturers eliminate waste, increase efficiencies and achieve an optimal level between not enough and too much. It’s also an unparalleled tool for inventory management, which is a tricky business today given supply chain shortages and changing consumer preferences.

Balancing between too much inventory and too little has been the ongoing challenge after the pandemic, and SIOP can help you get there. If you would like to learn more about SIOP, download our (free) eBook, “Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning: It’s About Time.”

Lean Six Sigma. Two sides of the same coin, Lean looks at making processes more efficient and reducing lead times, while Six Sigma focuses on cutting down on defects. Both are useful goals when aiming to optimize your processes, throughput and ultimately, your bottom line. Together, Lean Six Sigma is a powerful process methodology.

But it takes years to master the balance between speed of throughput and quality of the end product. We have certified black belts in LSS on staff to guide these projects but also train your staff in the techniques. The goal is to make process improvement changes and ensure they are sustainable for years to come.

Interested in hearing more about how we can help? Give us a call and we’ll start by listening.

Looking for ways to improve your bottom line

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Disruptive supply chains cause uncertainty. This leads to disjointed internal functions and frustration. And although there have been significant improvements with technology, supply chain disruptions are still managed by people.

Having good relationships with your strategic suppliers will help ensure someone will answer your call regarding delayed delivery dates, but that’s not enough to ensure supply continuity in our increasingly complex and disruptive supply chains.

There are five types of solutions supply chain managers can employ to decrease uncertainty and to improve reliability in their supply chain. We have compiled them into this infographic:

How to mitigate disruptive supply chains infographic

Each type of solution can be effective, however each has its downside to watch out for.


Expediting freight or delaying order fulfillment are commonly used tactics.

What to watch for: If your customers have other options and low customer loyalty, delaying delivery dates can significantly reduce your revenues. If you have a low margin product, premium freight can wipe out profits.


Prices for hard-to-get commodities skyrocket during times of uncertain supply, contributing to cost inflation.

What to watch for: If inflated material costs can’t be passed on to customers, margins suffer.


Production solutions to supply disruptions include flexible manufacturing and quick changeover practices, having alternative suppliers and substitute materials, reducing quality rejects in order to have more saleable product, and improving the source, make, and deliver cycle times.

What to watch for: Production solutions often take time to develop, which is why they are effective during times of certain supply, but when dealing with surprising disruptions, they’re often too little, too late.


Stocking up on inventory is a common response to disruptions, however warehouse and storage space can be a constraint requiring investment in facilities and equipment.

What to watch for: Excessive inventories drain cash and tie up working capital. A better practice is to use statistical analysis to evaluate how changing lead times are affecting the reorder points and order quantities in your ERP system.


Uncertainty is caused by lack of information. Embed a strong SIOP process — Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning. Conduct value stream maps to understand the tiered network of the supply chain. Implement strong supplier scorecards, and have a robust risk register process where there are early warning systems, contract optionality, and redundancies in the supply base.

What to watch for: Information solutions are sometimes viewed as expensive, however they are rarely more expensive than increasing investments in facilities and equipment, or habitually discounting obsolete inventory, or perpetually incurring premium freight.

If your company needs help reducing supply disruptions, turn to the supply chain experts at USC Consulting Group. We have been empowering our clients’ performance for over 50 years.

Looking to optimize your supply chain

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