November 1, 2022 / Knowledge Transfer / Lean Manufacturing / Process Improvement
Leo Tolstoy once said: “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” How true that is. Sure, he was talking about the Russian Revolution, but the words of the author of War and Peace, …Read More
October 24, 2022 / Consulting / Mining / Process Improvement / Whitepapers
In September of 2022, autonomous aerial robot systems pioneer Exyn Technologies engaged USC Consulting Group to perform an independent evaluation of the AL4 Autonomy being utilized in the ExynAero underground drone. The …Read More
October 21, 2022 / Knowledge Transfer / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Yes, it’s that time again. The holiday season is around the corner and it is time for manufacturers to start preparing now. Most holiday sales will come from online shopping, adding stress to supply chains and the …Read More
October 14, 2022 / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Given that powerful equipment and trucks frequently operate close to one another, warehousing is one of the riskier industries. Rapid growth in e-commerce is driving an ever-increasing demand for the delivery of products in …Read More
October 10, 2022 / Consulting / Manufacturing / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Are you always putting out fires? Not in the literal sense, of course. We’re talking about operational problems that pop up at the most inconvenient times. Once you take care of one issue, two more seem to appear in its place. …Read More
October 3, 2022 / Knowledge Transfer / Private Equity
When two companies engage in the mergers and acquisitions dance, negotiating price and signing a letter of intent is simply the start of the process. What follows is arguably the most important and time consuming step in an M&A …Read More
September 30, 2022 / Knowledge Transfer / Manufacturing / Supply Chain
Cybersecurity is a concern for every business in today’s market. It’s not so much about if you’ll be the target of a data breach, but when. Businesses of all sizes can become targets of cyberattacks, and these attacks can be …Read More
September 27, 2022 / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
The supply chain refers to all activities involved in converting raw materials to finished products and getting the finished products to the final consumer, forming a vital cog in the business wheel. A successful business …Read More
September 19, 2022 / Building Products / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
Like most industries today, the building products industry is faced with a host of challenges. These uncertain economic times aren’t helping matters any. Here are some of the top challenges we’ve identified, and …Read More
September 12, 2022 / Building Products / Process Improvement / Supply Chain
It’s a double-edged sword for the building products industry today. The production and demand slump during the pandemic has turned into a boom. Residential and commercial building is on a high. Yet, challenges still exist …Read More