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As long as we have transported goods from place to place, we have had to figure out how to keep track of those goods. Warehouse management is the modern iteration of this pursuit, and there has never been a better time to manage this work efficiently and effectively. However, not all warehouses take advantage of the technology that makes this efficiency possible.

Here’s a look at how technology can benefit your warehouse and help your business run at its absolute best.

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Protecting Your Information

Some warehouse owners and managers assume that bringing in more technology will make them more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Although there is an element of truth to this idea, the simple fact of the matter is if you use any technology at all – which, these days, you most certainly do – you are already vulnerable to hackers and other malicious parties. Rather than shirking further technological advancements, the solution is to be proactive on cybersecurity.

After all, small businesses are some of the most likely targets for cyber attacks. Many entrepreneurs assume their business will be safe, simply because it doesn’t have the funds to provide a large payout. Businesses that do have those funds, however, such as banks and investment firms, typically have very tight cyber security. Attacks on these businesses are more likely to fail as a result, making mid-size businesses an attractive option.

Since cybersecurity is an ever-changing game, work with a knowledgeable, established team to keep your protocols up-to-date. You can even look into hiring an “ethical hacker.” There are trusted hackers for hire who will do their best to break your security efforts to ensure they’re sufficient and identify any weak spots. This can be an absolute life-saver, especially if you have any subtle issues you and your security team may not have spotted otherwise.

Tracking Your Inventory

At the end of the day, your business is all about making sure you know what items are going where, and when. Many inventory management companies rely primarily on barcodes to keep this work moving. However, Explainthatstuff notes they come with plenty of drawbacks. First and foremost, barcodes can be difficult to scan. They rely heavily on lighting and angles, and these factors aren’t always consistent from print to print. They’re also easily compromised if scratched or damaged.

These issues are surmountable, obviously, but they can slow workers down and leave them frazzled and frustrated. Switching to RFID-based tracking can speed your work up significantly, as this method is far more consistently effective. You can track more inventory faster, with fewer complications along the way. This will lead to quicker and more accurate inventory reads, making your warehouse run smoother than ever.

Adding Automation

Chances are good that you are more than aware of how helpful it can be to reduce man hours and human error via automation. But you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that you don’t need to invest in robotics to add automation to your warehouse.

At the heart of effective inventory management, there are technology solutions like inventory software that can help automate your processes. From real-time inventory tracking to improved communication to faster customer fulfillment, by investing in the right software, you can bring your warehouse into the automated age. It’s also crucial that you analyze all your inventory data to learn where you can make improvements. Look for data analysis professionals—you can find data analytics companies through online job sites where you can learn about their ratings, rates, and experience.

Facilitating Employee Success

Finally, there are many technologies out there that can help you make sure your employees are given the best opportunities to reach their full potential. For example, you can invest in training software that takes your workers through everything they need to know to thrive in the warehouse. This can be especially useful when it comes to safety procedures and other aspects of the work that need to be approached collaboratively and cohesively.

Putting off new technology keeps your company from reaching its best potential. We hope this article has helped you see some of the benefits your warehouse can reach by working in some of the latest tech. Take advantage of innovation, and your business can thrive!

*This article was written by Dean Burgess. Dean runs Excitepreneur, which celebrates the achievements of entrepreneurs. He understands that there are many types of entrepreneurs, and strives to provide helpful information to assist them in achieving their particular idea or goal.

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The eco-conscious movement is influencing a sustainable transition for manufacturers in the industrial sector. Higher demands for green products forces companies to lower their carbon emissions and surface-level waste production. Manufacturing facilities can limit their environmental effects by adopting six sustainability-enhancing practices.

1. Installing Solar

A direct way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is by installing renewable energy systems. Nearly 81% of America’s energy supply comes from fossil fuels. During combustion, they release air pollutants, degrading the atmosphere’s natural composition.

Manufacturers can install solar panels on roofs, accessing emission-free electricity. Reducing localized air pollution supports the regional ecosystem and improves air quality. Transitioning away from fossil-fuel-derived electricity towards solar power also decreases a manufacturing facility’s utility costs.

Solar is currently the most cost-effective energy source on the market. When manufacturers cater to eco-conscious consumers’ needs using renewable energy, they increase their profits while decreasing their production costs.

2. Recycling Excess Materials

Manufacturing facilities can also decrease their environmental impacts by recycling excess materials. Many companies dispose of unused products because it is cost-effective. Though recycling comes with a small monthly fee, it significantly improves a company’s sustainability.

Recycling metals like aluminum can minimize the energy used to make new versions by 90% on average. It decreases emissions and landfill usage, preserving the environment’s natural state. Companies can also repurpose their excess materials, further reducing their ecological effects.

3. Increasing Water Efficiency

Manufacturing facilities may additionally improve their eco-friendliness by reducing freshwater exploitation. Companies can install a rainwater harvesting system to decrease their reliance on conventional water supplies. The system collects storm discharge in barrels, filters it, and pumps it into hoses, faucets, showerheads, and more.

4. Install Smart Devices

Companies can also decrease resource exploitation by installing smart devices. America uses nearly 155 billion kilowatt-hours of energy for commercial cooling alone. Manufacturing facilities can limit their electricity use by utilizing smart thermostats.

The device connects to a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, maintaining energy-efficient indoor temperatures. It gathers real-time weather predictions through a Wi-Fi connection, adjusting the thermostat to decrease emissions. Additionally, the device uses motion detection sensors, shutting the system off when a building is vacant.

5. Receive an Energy Audit

Receiving an energy audit can increase a manufacturer’s awareness of sustainability limitations. Companies now conduct audits specific to the standards of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). They assess the efficiency of devices, systems, and more, evaluating the entire facility’s emissions and eco-friendliness.

6. Use Automated Technology

More industries are using robots to increase the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes. Automated devices are more accurate than humans, decreasing error-derived material waste. Engineers also design the technology to limit electricity use, shrinking a facility’s carbon footprint.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Companies must also enhance the sustainability of their manufacturing processes to become greener. The products they use significantly affect their eco-friendliness. Some manufacturers outsource their materials from underdeveloped countries, accessing the most cost-effective versions.

These inexpensive goods are sometimes less sustainable because of their transportation footprint. International shipping practices account for 740 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. Outsourcing materials can expand a manufacturer’s carbon footprint and decrease its ethical accountability.

Many cost-effective, outsourced materials come from countries with limited regulations and inadequate workers’ rights. When a company purchases products from these regions, they support unethical practices. Manufacturers can increase their sustainability by sourcing eco-conscious materials from their area, limiting emissions and regulating development.

They may also use low-emission tools and machines, further shrinking their footprints. Manufacturers can additionally collect excess materials and reuse them for future projects. Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and material waste may significantly increase a company’s sustainability.

Implementing Change Today

Manufacturers can enhance their facility’s sustainability by installing green systems and training employees to minimize waste and emissions. Adopting eco-conscious practices may be challenging for some workers, and there are methods of increasing their willingness to take part. Employers can use sustainable change to show they care and value their employees.

Lowering emissions and eschewing environmentally degrading materials can protect workers from polluted air consumption. Using automated systems also decreases their risk of injury on the job. When employees discover the importance of enhancing sustainability, a manufacturing facility can achieve efficient changes.

*This article is written by Devin Partida. Devin is a tech writer with an interest in IIoT and manufacturing. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of ReHack.com.

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